1Hive is a community of activists seeking to build a future that is more free, fair, open, and humane.
1Hive is also an economic protocol, similar to Bitcoin or Ethereum, where a digital currency, Honey, is issued and distributed programmatically. Unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum, the 1Hive protocol does not narrowly define the set of activities that are valuable but instead relies on community members to guide the distribution process by creating and staking on Honey distribution proposals.
The goal of the 1Hive protocol is to foster a healthy community economy by allocating a steady stream of Honey towards development, maintenance, and improvement of the common goods that bring the most value to the 1Hive community.
The growth of the 1Hive economy is directly related to the communities ability to foster an inclusive and welcoming culture that people feel proud and delighted to adopt as their own. When someone chooses to buy or hold Honey and participate in the Honey economy they are implicitly supporting the communities culture, values, and norms.
To this end, the 1Hive protocol depends on a social contract, which sets expectations for how members should engage both with the protocol and with one another.